Buddy (The Hook Part II)Nick TSAMISPrinted edition ISBN: 978-960-93-3850-92012Publisher Nicolas Tsam...
Buddy (The Hook Part II)Nick TSAMISPrinted edition ISBN: 978-960-93-3850-92012Publisher Nicolas Tsamis http://www.automon.gr/2014/09/TsamhsNikos-OMpantu.html Monastery of Saint John, outside of Dodgeville to Madison Milwaukee, two days later. The bitter cold came rushing out of the door ajar further lowering the temperature in the hall of the convent-orphanage. The cast-iron stove in the center of the room had gone out of time, but the dry wood was stowed away in a small warehouse on the left side of the two-story building. Sister Mary filled the baskets with wood you could pick up the weak hands, and went out in the freezing cold by carefully steps onto the thin layer of ice that had formed this morning at the yard. He put the heavy load by the large stove and pushed hard on the big door to close, dragging along her leg and sheepskin on the floor to prevent cold from entering the gap. After graduating with Woods, made a hot mountain tea with honey had brought from the last Abbess and we settled near the stove, watching the flames alive, while outside the window snowflakes thickens and the first light of day makes a tentative appearance. Her mind could not dislodge the small Peter who for the second time in the last month had managed to make her feel the fear of the overwhelming ... ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Nick was born and educated in Athens. She works as a freelance analyst programmer, while dealing with the writing of novels. His first novel, "The Hook" was issued in May 2011 at the end of the same year was awarded the protagon.gr as "Novel of the Year 2011". The procedure followed is completely autonomous and books issued to date, the contract until the creation of the covers, the layout and promote them to the readers, are entirely his own work. The editing all done by professional curators but also by a group of readers who loved books and participate in volunteer efforts. The books of Nikos Tsami is available in printed form at www.ntsamis.com and distributed to all the bookstores Christakis SA His writings to date: 2011 - The Hook (The Hook Part A)2012 - Buddy (The Hook Part II)2013 - Coordinator2014 - Give Or Die Incorporation Document Application Android:Alcmene [email protected] Application Development Android:Anthony Panorashttp://www.automon.gr Publisher Nicolas Tsamis:Mob .: + 30-6944-472-111Tel .: + 30-210-981-2546vMail: + 30-211-770-3636Fax: + [email protected]://www.ntsamis.com Distributed freely-licensed Creative Commons:Report Creator - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works - 3.0 Greecehttp://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/gr/ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Development of Android application by Automon (Antonis Panoris):http://[email protected]://www.facebook.com/Automonhttp://www.facebook.com/AutomonAndroidhttps://plus.google.com/+AntonisPanorishttps://plus.google.com/+AutomonGr Android Apps by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-apps Android Books by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-books Android Games by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-games Android YouTubers by Automon:http://bitly.com/google-play-automon-youtubers